A world of endless possibilities
Atlantic Blue, limestone, honed finish .A blue greyish limestone with structure lines and speckles. It is suitable for masonry work, external, internal claddings and pavings. |
Alpenina, limestone honed finish.
A very hard beige background limestone with some red and white lines. It is suitable for masonry work, and internal claddings and pavings.
Brecha Marítima, honed limestone.
A light brown, green limestone with an open crystal showing white crystals. It is suitable for masonry work, external & internal claddings.
Brecha Tavira, honed limestone .
A very uniform pink and brown, green limestone. It is suitable for masonry work, external, internal claddings and pavings.
Creme Marfil, honed finish .
A very hard brown pearl limestone, uniform and with a fine grain. It is suitable for masonry work, external, internal claddings & pavings.
Denim Blue, limestone honed finish.
A very hard blue, beige limestone with some darker spots. It is suitable for masonry work, external and internal claddings and pavings.
Donegal Blue, honed limestone .
A very hard light blue limestone with speckles. It is suitable for masonry work, external and internal claddings and pavings.
Emperador Dark, limestone polished finish.
A dark brown marble with white patches and veinings. It is suitable for claddings , pavings and other internal work.
Fatima Blue, limestone honed finish.
A very hard blue limestone with some darker spots. It is suitable for masonry work, external and internal claddings and pavings.
Fatima Creme, limestone honed finish.
A very hard beige limestone with some thin lines and tiny speckles. It is suitabe for masonry work, external, internal claddings & pavings.
Moca Créme, limestone honed finish.
A brown limestone with dark continuous brown veins. It is suitable for masonry work, external, internal claddings and pavings.
Moleanos Creme, limestone, honed finish .
A very hard light beige limestone with speckles. It is suitable for masonry work, external and internal claddings and pavings.
Moleanos, limestone honed finish .
A light beige limestone with some tiny speckles very uniform. It is suitable for masonry work, external and internal claddings and pavings.
Moleanos M8, limestone honed finish .
A very hard light cream coloured limestone with tiny speckles and thin lines. It is suitable for external & internal claddings and pavings.
Red Alicante, limestone honed finish.
A red stone with some white veins. It is suitable for masonry work, external and internal claddings and pavings.
Valverde Blue, limestone, honed finish .
A very hard stone, with a dark blue background, showing tiny speckles, consistent and uniform. It is suitable for all types of claddings.
Roman Travertine, honed finish .
A light brown limestone with some white continuous veins. Can be transparent, colour filled or natural finished.
Yellow Negrais, limestone honed finish.
A yellow limestone with fossil formation, showing white areas and speckles. It is suitable for masonry work, internal claddings & pavings.
Rosa Zarci limestone, polished finish.
A pink limestone with some darker patches and some black veining. It is suitable for cladding, pavings and other internal works.
Bateige Blue, sandstone, honed finish .
A very uniform sandstone with blueish background with some structures and veining. It is suitable for masonry work and external areas.
Emperador Light, limestone honed finish.
A brown greenish limestone with some white veins and structure. It is suitable for all kinds of internal and external claddings and pavings.
Red Negrais, limestone honed finish .
A red llimestone with some white fossils and patches. It is suitable for all kinds of internal and external claddings and pavings.
Sunny Gold, limestone honed finish.
A gold background limestone with some dark brown lines and patches. It is suitable for internal, external cladding and paving.
Sunny light, limestone honed finish .
A limestone with a light yellow background with some lighter patches and lines. It is suitable for all kinds of internal, external paving & cladding.
Travertine Noche, limestone honed finish.
A dark brown travertin with darker lines. It is suitable for internal and external surfaces, ie: pavings and claddings.
Red Travertine, limestone honed finish.
A red travertin with some lighter lines and patches. It is suitable for internal l claddings and pavings as well as for decorative products.
Cabeca limestone, honed finish .
A coffee cream limestone with small fossils and patches. It is suitable for internal use in pavings and claddings.
Travertine Wallnut, limestone honed finish.
A brown travertine with yellow and dark brown veins. It is suitable for internal claddings and pavings and other decorative products.
Bianco Perlino, honed limestone .
A creamy coloured background limestone, showing some patches and dark veining. It is suitable for internal and external use.
Belgian Blue, limestone honed finish.
A very hard black limestone with some white spots. It is suitable for masonry work, external, internal claddings and pavings.
1 - 30 of 32 results |